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Welcome Residents and Visitors!

Tyler Schena, Alison Webb, Lance Cox, Owen Spencer, Randy Hunter, Mayor Matt Robinson, City Manager Jason Brown

Beaver City, by ordinance, is an Incorporated Manager form of government, with an appointed City Manager who runs the day-to-day business affairs. The administrative offices are at 30 West 300 North. The city of Beaver serves a population of approximately 3,000, plus about 500 residents living outside the city boundary. Beaver oversees five city departments, namely; (1) Beaver City Electrical, (2) Water & Sewer, (3) Public Works, (4) Planning & Zoning, and (5) Parks & Recreation. Other elements of government, such as City Manager, City Recorder, City Treasurer, Planning, Licensing, and the City Cemetery are coordinated through the city’s administrative offices. Information about each department is presented in separate web pages on this site.

It is our obligation, as city officials, to protect and preserve the quality of life while working to build a healthy economy. Beaver City is very much a small town in America. Although, we can see signs of growth on the horizon, the pace of living for our people is still more appealing to many than what might be found in large urban areas. Our citizens enjoy a tight knit, congenial society. We consider ourselves blessed to have fine friends and neighbors and live in an area of natural beauty and resources that helps to enrich our lives. However, challenges confront the city regarding housing, employment opportunity, and the city’s infrastructure. Annually, we modify and update the City’s master plan to address these issues. At the forefront is economic growth. We want to attract new companies and industry to our city that blend with our goals for the future. Today, more than just Interstate 15 connects Beaver to the Country. We are now connected to the Internet super-highway that allows us rapid and comprehensive access to state, federal and industry programs and information. The job of promoting our city and resources to tourists and companies has become more effective.

City Officials
Terms Expire
Mayor Matt Robinson 2026
Council Member Lance Cox 2028
Council Member Tyler Schena 2028
Council Member Alison Webb 2026
Council Member  Randy Hunter 2028
Council Member  Owen Spencer 2026