Beaver City Water & Sewer Department — Our mission is to plan for and provide the city of Beaver a plentiful supply of quality water for both our present and future needs. The task of supplying safe, quality water for drinking and commercial needs requires ongoing maintenance and improvements throughout our system. During the past years, we’ve completed work on two new water tanks and one new well. During the next few months, a 2.3 million dollar sewer project will be completed. This includes building two new lagoons, a new pump station and replacement of some under sized sewer lines. (photograph below – 1 million gallon water tank construction)
These improvements will address current demands and handle the city’s projected growth rate over the next twenty years. Beaver City has funding from the State Water Quality Board. Sewer users and impact fee rates have been increased, effective July 1, 2004, to pay for the project.
The Drinking Water Source Protection Plan for the Beaver City Water System is available for your review. It contains information about our source protection zones, potential contamination sources, and management strategies. One residential area served by septic tank/drain-field systems is the only potential contamination source within our protection zones. Our wells and springs have a low susceptibility to potential contamination. We are also implementing management strategies to further protect our sources from contamination. Please contact Chad Limb at 435-438-2451, if you have questions or concerns about our source protection plan.
In keeping with our commitment for safe drinking water for the community, we are making available the Beaver City Annual Water Quality Report for your review.
Water Management & Conservation Plan
Water master: Bret Black Assistant Water Masters: Dalton Bradshaw |
Address: 30 West 300 North Beaver, Utah 84713 Telephone:435-438-2451 |