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Beaver City’s General Plan

As a service to the citizens of our community and other interested parties, we are making available the City of Beaver General Plan. The General Plan is formatted in Adobe Reader or “pdf” files. To enable faster downloading for people with a slower dial-up connection, we have divided the General Plan into sections. Please click on the section you want to view and your computer will automatically open your Adobe Reader for viewing. If you have a broadband connection, you can download the entire plan.

NOTE: Adobe Reader should be installed on your computer.  If it is not, click on this link (AdobeReader) to download and install the new version of the Reader.


GENERAL PLAN   (for broadband modems)

The General Plan sets forth goals relating to land use, housing, the environment, transportation, public facilities and services which the residents of Beaver City hope to achieve during the next twenty years along with the policies that will facilitate those goals.

PDF Download: City of Beaver, Utah General Plan

GENERAL PLAN   (Compiled in sections for slower dial-up modems)

PDF Download: Table of Contents – (suggest printing for reference when reviewing complete plan)

PDF Download: Front Page, Preamble and Introduction
(Introduction, History, Statement of Custom and Culture, Vision Statement, General Community Goals, Location and Setting, and General Demographic Profile)

PDF Download: Land Use Element, Circulation Element, through Safety Element

PDF Download: Economic Development & Community Revitalization Element, through

PDF Download: Parks and Recreation Element – (pdf)Appendices, Acknowledgments, through Adoption