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Beaver Public Library


P.O. Box 192
55 West Center Street
Beaver, Utah 84713

Library Email:
Main Telephone: 435-438-5274

Jodi Robinson, Library Director


Leah McManus, Assistant Director


Hours of Operation:

Monday 10-6
Tuesday – Thursday 11-6
Saturday 11-3

About Our Library

Books & Online Catalog

Search the catalog, place holds, or renew your items.

Library Programs

Check us out on Facebook for the most current program details.


Utah’s Online Library: A Utah site containing numerous databases. Please obtain an access code from the library, then access remotely if desired.

eBooks and Audiobooks

Utah State Library

Utah State Library provides all kinds of resources and databases (through Utah’s Online Library), such as reading materials for the blind and disabled, bookmobile service for rural Utah, and much more.

Visit State Library

About Our Library

The first Beaver Library Association was incorporated in the 1860’s.  In 1918, the city finished construction on a “Carnegie Library“, which is still in use today. The American industrialist Andrew Carnegie, who founded the Carnegie Steel Company that later became U.S. Steel, earned the nickname Patron Saint of Libraries through his philanthropic work of funding 1,689 libraries across the U.S. between 1886 and 1919.

Today, the Beaver Library stands just as it did when it was built, with the exception of a few upgrades. Presently, library functions occupy the upper level. The city’s community center, Head Start programs, and meeting room are on the lower level.  It is likely that if you are over the age of 50, your first experience in a public library was in a Carnegie Library, no matter in what city you grew up. There is something quite warm and memorable when visiting one of these historic and celebrated libraries.